“Your child is dyslexic.”
The moment I heard these words, as a mother of a 6-year-old, I could not hold back my tears. The world came shattering down and it felt as if I had hit rock bottom. Feelings of helplessness kicked in but deep down in my heart, I knew my kid was as bright as any other child. The oblivious society that we live in, had me believe that kids with learning difficulties lack intelligence. This misconception was corrected once I got to know that my child’s IQ was above average.
Back then, in a world without Google, Dyslexia seemed like a terrifying 8 letter word because of the lack of awareness and the taboo surrounding learning difficulties (LD). As a mother, I was desperate to make sure that my child learns everything and is not left behind in any area of life.
Soon, I started to gather relevant information regarding dyslexia, and as one thing led to another I soon found myself in the UK doing different courses in the field of special education. My Post Graduate Diploma in Dyslexia and Literacy from London has made me more well-versed with Learning Difficulties and the practical training that is needed to deal with such cases.
Coming back to India, I was exposed to the harsh reality of kids with special educational needs and the unwelcoming behavior of the schools towards them. I instantly knew I had to do my part and give it back to society as there were many kids who suffered due to the lack of educational resources. Before I knew it, I was already implementing as well as promoting teaching and reflective learning strategies not just for my kid but also for other children with similar needs. Soon I started working as a consultant in India for setting up LD-friendly environments in schools.
Seeing my child struggle with dyslexia, I couldn’t help but ponder about the innumerable LD cases in India and soon started working upon not just dyslexia but also other LD such as dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, ADHD, and Autism Spectrum Disorder.
As a mother and also a Special Educational Needs (SEN) consultant for the past 15 years, I have learned that with the implementation of the correct teaching strategies as well as showing emotional support as a parent/tutor, any child can overcome the challenges posed by his/her learning difficulties. Having experienced the struggles of a dyslexic child as a primary caregiver, early intervention counts as one of the most important things that need to be taken care of.
Seeing my child struggle with dyslexia, my motherly instinct didn’t let me sit still and allow the world to tell me that my child is not intelligent. But it made me see my child as someone who is unique and gifted and all I had to do as a parent was just find that gift and help him unwrap it.
I strongly believe that all kids are unique and so should be their education. We, at ISEN, ensure that your kid has the right kind of teaching that promotes his/her wellbeing.